Work Order

    Customer Name
    [address_geo_autocomplete address_geo_autocomplete-66]
    License #
    Date Of Birth
    Phone #
    VIN #
    Aftermarket TintAttempted Entry
    Not Responsible For Damages If Either Box Is Checked
    Insurance Company
    Member #
    PO #


    I hereby certify that I have the authority to order the lock, key, door hardware, accessories, access to control devices, safes, vaults, money drop boxes and/or security work designated above. Further, I agree to absolve the locksmith who bears this authorization form any and all claims arising and an acknowledgment that all the work has been performance of such work. My signature below and or the payment in full of this invoice constitutes a waiver of claims and acknowledgement that all the work has been performed in a satisfactory manner, that the locksmith has demonstrated the lock/security system is in good working order and that there has been no damage to the work site or surrounding areas. Payment in full of this invoice constitutes authorization for UnlockItForMe LLC to perform all security/emergency services provided pursuant to this invoice.
    [signature signature-557 background:grey]